Hi there, my name is Bob!

You're either reading my GH README file or you are reading my blog. Wherever you are reading this, thanks for taking the time to do so!

TLDR: My name is Bob, also know as JustBobinAround. You can summarize me as a Low-level programmer stuck in a low-code world I guess lol.

Ok... you're still reading this. I guess I actually have to write some stuff about myself.

So, I usually code a bunch of rust projects in my free time. As of late though, I have been working on projects at my job that use a lot of low-code/no-code services using the esolang known as "JavaScript"; It's a strange language. I'd say my dream job is probably to be an embedded systems programmer that "RIIRs" critical infrastructure or maybe a maintainer for a major compiler/language. Those jobs don't really seem to be very common though. Perhaps in another life. Anyways, thanks for stopping by and happy reading!